Sunday, 17 October 2010

Lets Have Some Atmosphere !!!

n so here ive combined two textures the first is the main door texture which is the main texture on the mesh, and the 2nd is the blood texture which i made in photoshop and combined the two using a multiple node in UDK and then simply used the Panner node to move the blood texture down the door, i also combined the normal texture for both and used a panner on the blood to try and make the blood look proud of the door.

ok now ive got my blood texture the next step was to see if i could animate a emissive light shining through a window.I have used a alpha texture to give me an opacity on the window glass and then i used a Rotator node in UDK combined with a simple cloud texture that i found in UDK
and heres a breakdown in UDK of how i built this ,note the Rotator node has its own values of X and Y and initial speed , which you can play about with to get varying results

Ok im finally getting somewhere with the effects I was wanting to get for my haunted theme the next step was to animate a materail and get a light to flash in sequence so that when the player enters the corridor it triggers both the light and the materail and also try and add sound to the mix which after a LOT of hair pulling I eventually got :

so how did i get this, here's a breakdown which is quite complicated so here goes:

The first thing you notice in the engine is two different icons:

1. Mi- short for Material Instance Actor,the first thing i did was assign this to my map through the main actor browser,once assigned I then copied the original material as a Material Instance and copied it to the mesh

this is the main texture that is on my mesh , i had to make sure I added a Vector Parameter and give it a value and then name it before copying it as a Material Instance this is what will be animated in the Matinee
a breakdowwn of the sequence used in Kismet to animate the material and the lights, the first thing to do is assign a VectorMaterialParameter

this control;s the brightness of the material by inputting a value of
0= off
1= full brightness

and any altenate values between 0 and 1 will give varing amounts of emissive brightness on the materail.

Then its just a matter of moving the time line everytime a new value is entered.

The next part is to animate the light themselves , this is acheived by firstly adding a Pointlighttogglable to my map

once this is assigned it into Matinee:
the brightness is controlled with a group called
NewFloat Property Track and a value given for the brightness from 0 -1 just like I did for the materials earlier , and again using alternate values I can control the brightness of the light:

Monday, 4 October 2010

LIght Flicker Material

today was a good day in college I finally got the look I was after , at the moment its on my windows texture , but now I know how to go about getting it to look genuine it shouldn't be much of a problem to use the material to make a light flicker the trick is now to make a delay so that when I apply the texture to the lamp mesh I have a different flashing sequence

Friday, 1 October 2010

Blood and LIght flicker

ok ive started experimenting with the materials in UDK , trying to get the effect of blood running down the doors, ive sort of got what I was after , but it very flat on the doors at the moment, not really sussed how to make the normals stand out when the diffuse texture is Panning, need to try and make the blood more prominante must be a way of doing it , ive also had a go and flickering lights using the Light Point Toggable function i UDK , ther is a tutorial on how to make your materials flicker but their all on my old H-Drive , hopfully Andy can work his magic for Monday but heres the result so far
oh and this next vid is the Kismet/Matinee in UDk

working its magic, I just love effects :)now all I have to sort is the sound effects , but that can wait , tomoz I might have a bash at doing some anims for the elevator switch both on the outside of the lift and the inside

I want to be able to animate the pointer probably as a mover and the buttons to light up just like a real set of buttons probably with emissives or an animated texture